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Zodiac Baracuda MX6 vs MX8 comparison

MX6 vs MX8 – Which suction side cleaner is better for your pool? Let’s compare them side by side.

Zodiac MX6 vs MX8 comparison table:

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The differences between the mx6 or the mx8

The Zodiac’s MX6 and MX8 are two comparable pool vacuum cleaners. The MX8 is the larger brother of the MX6 and also the more expensive one by about $ 150 dollar. Now why should you pay more for a larger version of the same? In other words, what is the difference between the MX6 versus the MX8?


Let’s start with the Differences between these two suction pool cleaners:

1) The MX6 vs the mx8 have different drive technology:

The traction in the MX6 is coming from the X-Drive Technology with X-Trax versus the traction in the MX8 is coming from the maX-Drive Technology with X-Trax. Right.. so what is the difference between those two traction systems?

According to zodiacs own site:
X-Drive Navigation – Intelligent bi-directional navigation to thoroughly clean floor, walls, and waterline.
maX-Drive advanced dual navigation for best pool coverage with no hang ups. Thoroughly cleans floor, walls, and waterline of any size or shape pool.

But it still is unclear to me what the difference is between bi and dual navigation. Clearly the first one does get hang-ups? If someone knows it, feel free to leave a comment.

2) The Cyclonic Suction of the mx6 versus the mx8 differs:

The MX6 comes with cyclonic Suction to provides powerful suction and aggressive wall climbing versus the MX8 which comes with dual cyclonic vacuum to provide maximum suction power and extreme wall climbing ability – This gives more vacuum power, a wider cleaning path, and a larger debris intake.

Design differences:

The models are quite look a like but there is still a huge difference in the design. The mx8 gets less stuck in corners or under stairs. This is due to its two directional gears. As a result this makes it simpler to get out of corners and to back up if it bumps onto steps. The mx6 gets stuck in your pool more easy and needs you to go in to help getting it free. But… this does depend on your pool and if it has really tight corners.

Next to this, the MX6 is according to the zodiac site also usable for above ground pool cleaners. And the MX6 has a handle to get it out of the pool more easily, which is handy and surprisingly not build on the mx8.

Accessories of zodiacs mx6 and the mx8:

The mx6 has one accessory, namely the Zodiac Cyclonic Leaf Catcher.
The MX8 has more accessories namely: the zodiac MX flow regulator, Zodiac Cyclonic Scrubbing Turbine Assembly, Zodiac MX8/MX8EL Factory Tune-Up Kit and the Zodiac Cyclonic Leaf Catcher.

Price Baracuda MX6 versus the Baracuda MX8:

Clearly this is a simple answer: the price difference is about $150 in march 2019. They both have the hoses included, though the zodiac mx8 hoses are a bit longer. No difficulties here to see which one is better then the other one here.

And now the similarity’s of the two cleaners:

1) Firstly both can be connected to a skimmer or to the 1.5″ Vacuum Line.
2) Secondly both have a warranty of 1 Year by zodiac.
3) Thirdly both have an advanced twist lock long life system hose.
4) And fourthly both cleaners are suitable for concrete, tile,vinyl and fiberglass pools.
So all is the same!? Nope, see the differences above.

mx6 vs mx8Conclusion

So in conclusion the Zodiac MX6 versus the Zodiac MX8:

All in all they are both good suction side pool cleaners, which clean the bottom, walls and the waterline. Emptying the zodiac cleaners is simple. The MX6 has one gear, the MX8 has a dual gear which makes it a bit more mobile. So though the first is cheaper it comes at an price. If you don’t have tight corners or steps in your pool this will probably not be a problem, if you do have those in your pool it is worth considering more money and spare yourself the hassle of getting your pool cleaner “unstuck” every now and then. When do you need the zodiac MX6 vs MX8:

buy the zodiac MX6

MX6 – #ad

Who should buy the zodiac MX6:

The MX6 is good for smaller simple pools and above ground pools. Mainly because it’s lesser suction power and with its one gear it will be fine there. And you don’t need to pay the large price as it is cheaper, as well in buying it as in maintaining it.

buy the MX8

MX8 – #ad

Who should buy the MX8 instead:

However the MX8 is good for for larger or complicated shape pools as it has a bit more suction power and a bit longer hoses. This combined with the added mobility of having more gears to help it in tight corners. Next to this it is better in picking up larger debris so for people living in areas with huge trees or other large debris this can be a pro.


MX6 vs MX8 Comparison Table

Zodiac Baracuda MX6

Zodiac Baracuda MX8